Sunday, May 29, 2011

Recent, and not so recent, happenings (lots of pics!)

 On Friday we took a trip up to Heber to spend A Day Out with Thomas.  Aileah loves the mountains and trains... so we thought it was the perfect activity!  We all had a ball (although Aileah doesn't really show it in the pictures.)
Aileah and Daddy after our ride.

Kisses from Mom while waiting to board Thomas
Waiting for our ride to start!

Singing and showing off her sweet James tattoo

All tuckered out after a fun filled day!

We went to Thanksgiving Point quite awhile ago.  Aileah LOVES animals.

She was feeding the goats, when one bit her finger.  She still talks about it... and it was a couple months ago.

Easter egg hunt

Aileah loves the mountains, water and rocks!

She really didn't enjoy coloring eggs too much.

Those are a few of our adventures lately.  I am so grateful that it is Spring!  And although it has been a really wet season so far.... I am excited for more adventures!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Aileah,world's cutest girl!!!!

My baby is growing up!  It is happening faster than I would like... make it slow down, please!  Aileah is beautiful and has a beautiful personality to go with it.  Here are some of her new developments:
*She LOVES to say prayers.  When I ask who is going to pray she always says, "Aileah!"
*She plays on the phone.... she loves to call Mo and Grandpa. 
*She says, "Look!" all the time.  She is soooo excited to show us what she sees.
*She BEGS to go into stores, apartment buildings, etc.  "Mommy, in, please?"  So cute (at least the first few times of the day!)
*She sits on her potty (with her pants on) and then wipes herself when she's "done".
*She is talking up a storm.  I love to hear her cute little voice.
*She has become quite the little singer!  She still loves the song "Hey, Soul Sister".  I love to hear her sing!
*She gives great hugs and kisses.  For a while there she was our little European baby- a kiss on each cheek and then a peck on the lips.  It's pretty much pecks now.
*She tells all the animals in her books she loves them and gives them hugs.
*If we say "ow!"  she will check to see if we are ok.
I cannot believe how fast the last almost 2 years have gone by!  I am lucky to be blessed with such a great kid!
Just some funny sleep position pics! She does the funniest things to get ready to sleep!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I really should blog...

I know I need to update this... but BLAH!  I feel like I have nothing to share right now.  Not that Aileah is any less adorable.  But I feel like we haven't really been doing anything lately.  Thank goodness spring is peeking out!  Now if it would only stay...