Saturday, March 17, 2012

A little comparison


 When Elijah was born I thought he had a look  that was totally his own.  As he's gotten a little older (since he is only 5 weeks)  I've seen some similarities between him and his big sister, Aileah.  I don't think they'd be confused for each other.... but i do see some resemblance.  I think they are both adorable.  So happy to be their mom!


Tiff :o) said...

Their lips look very similar and a little bit in the nose...but they really don't look alike. Definitely not confusable.

They are definitely both cuties though!

Sorry...I still haven't sent Eli's package yet! I will, I promise.

Heather and Thomas Mann said...

Eli looks like Tom, for sure! Aileah looks more like me. kinda funny how that worked out.

Noah and Amanda said...

Your kids are adorable. Also I want to thank you for all the kind comments you leave me:). You're amazing!